Fluentd Webinar, Save the date!

The Fluentd community keeps growing and due to the high amount of requests, we are having a Webinar!. On September 30th at 10am PDT, Kazuki Ota will introduce and cover different topics about Fluentd such as:

  • Common design patterns and best practices for data collection.
  • The unified logging layer concept and why you should use it.
  • Fluentd’s internal architecture.
  • A live demo for Fluentd integration.

Make sure to register just clicking the image below:

Kazuki Ota is the Treasure Data’s CTO and co-founder. He is also the founder of the Japanese Hadoop User Group. Kaz is an acknowledged expert on distributed and parallel computing, and combines his knowledge of these technologies and Hadoop with the conviction that the service model is the only way to bring big data analytics to the mass market.

There are some commercial supports for Fluentd, see Enterprise Services. If you use Fluentd on production, Let's share your use-case/testimonial on Testimonials page. Please consider to feedback Use-Case/Testimonials via GitHub.

Subscribed to the RSS feed here.

Written by Eduardo Silva

Eduardo (@edsiper) is an Open Source Engineer at Treasure Data, he is part of Fluentd core team and maintains [Fluent Bit](http://fluentbit.io).