Fluentd Ecosystem Survey 2020

Hey All,

Thank you for being part of the Fluent Slack Community! As part of improving Fluentd and Fluent Bit, we want to know what pains and feedback you are experiencin to better manage our future together.

We have created an anonymous survey that allows you to share this here.

Optionally, if you are interested you can add your email to give us direct feedback. Looking forward to your feedbacks!

There are some commercial supports for Fluentd, see Enterprise Services. If you use Fluentd on production, Let's share your use-case/testimonial on Testimonials page. Please consider to feedback Use-Case/Testimonials via GitHub.

Subscribed to the RSS feed here.

Written by Eduardo Silva

Eduardo (@edsiper) is an Open Source Engineer at Treasure Data, he is part of Fluentd core team and maintains [Fluent Bit](http://fluentbit.io).