Fluentd v1.9.2 has been released

Hi users!

We have released v1.9.2. ChangeLog is here. This release includes several enhancements.

in_tail: Add pos_file_compaction_interval parameter for auto compaction

With pos_file_compaction_interval 10m, in_tail removes unwatched file from pos_file entries at 10m intervals. This feature is for short-live and lots of containers environment.

Major bug fixes

  • log: serverengine's log should be formatted with the same format of fluentd
  • in_http: Fix NoMethodError when OPTIONS request doesn't have Origin header
  • parser_syslog: Improved for parsing RFC5424 structured data in parser_syslog

Enjoy logging!

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Written by Masahiro Nakagawa

Masahiro (@repeatedly) is the main maintainer of Fluentd. He works on Fluentd development and support full-time. He is also a committer of the D programming language.